It isn’t hyperbole to say that an iconic logo can make a company. A well-designed and memorable logo is a visual short-hand for the values that the company stands for, the quality of product or service that they create and a visual guarantee that if you are buying something under that logo, you already have a good idea of what you are buying. Take smartphones, for instance. The Apple iPhone is the most iconic cell phone in the world. When you see Apple’s logo you know what to expect. In most cases, especially with Apple, you won’t be disappointed.
The creation of a logo – especially one that will achieve iconic status and pass the test of time – is not easy. There are so many parts of a logo that must fit well together, the overall design and thematic elements should be indicative of your brand – or at least not detract from it – and that process has created an entire industry that concentrates their talents on logo creation.
Who needs a logo?
For small to medium-sized businesses, a logo will often be considered a secondary consideration. There are so many things to concentrate on first – such as products, services, staffing, advertising and so many others – that logos are ignored or, worse, created as an afterthought.
The problem with that is as your company grows, it will be creating a brand, and human nature takes memory shortcuts and will associate your logo/brand with your products. If you have a poorly designed or irrelevant logo it will follow you as you build your brand.
The creation of a logo should be a primary concern for new businesses and startups. As a visual shorthand for your company, you want it to be memorable, iconic and unique. Achieving all three of those goals is difficult, but it is even more difficult when relying on talented amateurs instead of professionals that create logo designs all the time.
What makes a good logo?
Although many iconic logos have nothing to do with the products they represent they all have several similarities.
A good logo should encompass:
- Simplicity
- Uniqueness
- Crucial information about the company it represents
They should also be designed to work in several mediums and sizes. A logo that looks good on paper may not have the same effect when it is displayed on video and if making your logo bigger – on a billboard, for example – or shrinking it distorts the image you might want to redesign your logo. A good logo will be identifiable anywhere.
What can a good logo do for your company?
The primary purpose of a logo is to give customers – and potential customers – a visual shortcut to find your products. A well-designed logo, combined with quality products or service, can make that link permanent in the minds of customers.
Since a company’s logo will be displayed on everything from company letterhead, to signage, to advertising, it can – and should – contribute to your business by creating trust in your brand name. A well-designed logo shows professionalism and a commitment to quality work. The opposite, of course, will apply to a logo that is amateurish or poorly designed.
In addition to the quality of the company it represents, your logo, depending on the design elements, will tell potential customers about your company without having to say a word. Modern, angular designs with cutting edge graphics represent modern, technologically savvy companies. While rounded logos or ones using traditional elements convey a sense of trustworthiness and commitment to their customers.
Making it work for you
Not all logos are created equal and no matter how good your logo is, if you don’t have the quality and service reputation of your brand to make it mean something, it will never claim iconic status. Consider this, when you think of logos you think of the ones with quality products behind them. When thinking of automobile manufacturer logos, most people don’t recall the logo of the Yugo (it was a stylized Y) but will recall the logos for Ford, Chevy and other, more successful, automobile companies.
The Yugo’s logo was well-designed, simple and had as much to do with the automobile company as any others, but when the car marketed under that logo became a joke, people forgot the logo. No matter how good your logo is, it still represents your brand and if your brand is not respected your logo won’t be either.
Final Words
Considering and designing your logo should be an important and integral process of creating your company. Just like you want your brand name to stand for the values that are important to you, your logo – a visual shortcut for your brand name – should also reflect those values.
Author bio: Sam Cyrus is CEO and co-founder of Green SEO Sydney, a Digital Marketing agency from Australia. Sam is also a creative writer and likes to share his insights on entrepreneurship, business, online marketing, SEO and social media. He currently collaborates with Nirmal custom web design Sydney.
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