Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27845211@N02/2662264721/
If you’re operating a new business in today’s world of instant Internet access and mobile marketing, then you probably need a solid brand logo now more than ever. Having the right type of logo can make you stand out amongst the competition while also conveying a strong message and ensuring that the public at large recognizes your brand instantly.
There are a variety of business logos out there that you would undoubtedly recognize on the spot. Brands like McDonald’s, Footlocker, Apple, Tums, and even famous sports teams and bands – every famous brand has a logo backing them up. This is why it’s important to go through the proper steps when creating a logo.
Top 5 Things to Consider when Making a Brand Logo
1: Make it Unique
Uniqueness is what sells more than almost everything when creating a brand logo. Think about the logo you want to create (a rough estimation of it, obviously) and then do some serious searching. You want to ensure that your brand isn’t similar to other brands out there. Even if you find similarities with a unpopular brand, you don’t want to copy any elements into your design.
2: Visual Creativity
The best logos in the world stand out and capture your attention instantly. They’re not usually abstract or too colorful, but they are very visually appealing. Colors and shapes can make a statement more than shadowing and other complex graphic choices. So when you think “creativity,” think of it in the context of bolstering the logo’s unique factor rather than making it jump off the page at someone.
3: Conveying the Right Message
Remember that your logo is going to speak for your brand. While your logo may one day change or evolve, you have to view it as if it’s the biggest factor in representation that you have. Think of all the places your logo will be seen: Business cards, pamphlets, websites, and a slew of other advertisements. You want to ensure that your logo is conveying the right message for your brand.
4: Be a Minimalist
What do logos like Nike and Coca-Cola have in common? Well, they may be iconic now, but that’s not what we’re getting at. These logos are very minimal in design. Some lettering and unique shapes that stand out – that’s about as far as these logos go. But that has been enough to make them very iconic. The lesson here is that, with logos, less is almost always more.
5: Make it Stand Out
Referring back to famous logos again, you will find another factor that makes the more popular designs stand out is that they’re easy to remember. When you’re creating your logo, put it up against other logos out there. Strive for something that sticks out in a person’s memory. Send your logo, along with other logos, through focus groups. You should keep perfecting the design until your logo is remembered.
Having a winning logo is going to help you succeed as a brand. Remember to implement these five factors when creating your logo using Logosack or other services out there. Putting the effort in will pay off in a big way.
Martin Nilsson is the business developer of Logosack – a logo design company in Sweden specializing in business logos for small businesses. His areas of interest includes graphic and logo design. When not working, you could probably see him anywhere because this guy loves to travel around the world.
Very informative post. thanks for sharing
Thanks for nice tips. I do follow your post and believe it will be helpful for me.
My most of the items is logo and I am happy with that because every month I got extra cash in my pocket.
This is really awesome. Thanks for sharing it over here.