Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible. The arrangement of type involves the selection of typefaces, point size, line length, leading (line spacing), adjusting the spaces between groups of letters (tracking) and adjusting the space between pairs of letters (kerning).
Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, comic book artists, graffiti artists, clerical workers, and anyone else who arranges type for a product. Until the Digital Age, typography was a specialized occupation. Digitization opened up typography to new generations of visual designers and lay users, and it has been said that “typography is now something everybody does.” (wikipedia.org)
Below I selected 50+ beautiful examples of modern typography created by designers from around the world. Poster and Flyer printing has become an easy way trough online services so that you can create and put your creation you your living room walls. Enjoy and Share!
I’ll Be The Brightest Someday by XeRoblade
Here and Now by luuqas
Mr. Jackson by crymz
BLACK by NicoGamer
I love you… by cellardoor13
MORE by carment
Long life and prosper by JrDragao
FFFF by gilang2007
Typo by DrsWorld
Think Differently London 2 by crymz
Crows and Gold by Zerj19
Earth DAY 22 April by Man-i
Graphic Design Poster by cube1987
fake by ~sufined
create a colorfull world by tulawena
Sometimes by golfis
Helvetica Science Series 001 by LouieHitman
When Love Takes Over… by Dean-Site
Shades by shebid
carry ON by CHIN2OFF
squeeze da ideas project by CHIN2OFF
Cliik Cliik Boom by Citronade-Arts
What Doesn’t Kill You by jeffrey
Vintage typography by essfero
Watchmen type by 3xplode
The Kings Rule. by CTRLgs
Make love, not war by SubDooM
Th Love You Take by CALLit-ringo
Set The World On Fire by myaki-ru
Look at that you SOB by nuke-vizard
dream by IVYangelica
Bad Romance by Dean-Site
home by layer01
HQ Order by xiondzz
this love is real by DaveOne
International Brussels Tattoo Convention by dronograph
Get What You’re Worth by SpEEdyRoBy
KONY 2012 – Invisible Children by luxxxoR
Still Water by eugeniaclara
STEAM ENGINE by GraphicTravelling
Bulletproof Heart by scorpionkiss
you’re… by blank3dee
Experimental Typography Candy by crymz
LOVE IS by shebid
Coffee Stain Typeface by markmustaine
WORTH? by SpEEdyRoBy
The Only Time… by nocturnal-schism
We Will Never Forget by mushir
Love by StrangeProgram